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Do take note that d3vscan is currently still in it's infancy and a working progress.

Alpha 8[Windows] release highlights

  • Integrated Windows Installer
  • Experimental Bluetooth Stack installer provided
  • Vulnerability Scanner plugin (v0.6) integrated
  • Several bugfixes
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Platforms Tested

d3vscan is available for multiple platforms. It has been successfully tested on the following platforms/flavors:
  1. Gentoo Linux
  2. Microsoft Windows XP
  3. Microsoft Windows 2000
The installation instructions are somewhat different for each platform.

Default (source) Installation

The d3vscan source package requires the following software:
  1. Python 2.4 or higher (PySQLite3 is included by default in Python 2.5)
  2. GTK+ 2.6 or higher
  3. PyGTK 2.6 or higher
  4. Nmap 4.2
  5. PySQLite2
  6. PyBluez
  7. Modular toolkit for Data Processing (MDP)
  8. Numerical Python (Numpy)
  9. Python Fast Artificial Neural Network (PyFANN)
Execute main.py to launch d3vscan once the software dependencies have been installed.

Microsoft Windows

d3vscan can be installed through the installer.

Bluetooth Stack supported for Bluetooth Scanning:
  1. Microsoft Bluetooth stack
  2. Windcomm Bluetooth stack
  3. Broadcom Bluetooth stack

Since Windows XP SP2, the Microsoft Bluetooth stack exists by default. Just uninstall the unsupported existing Bluetooth stack installed to have the Microsoft Bluetooth stack. If errors persist, try the experimental btdriver.msi installer here.

Linux Installation [Gentoo Linux and Ubuntu] Comming Soon.

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